Pemanfaatan Media Audio Visual Berupa Video Animas Pada Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar
Animated Video Media, Science Learning, Elementary SchoolsAbstract
The educational curriculum has several lessons that must be studied, one of which is science lessons, because it helps students understand basic concepts about the universe, including natural phenomena, scientific principles, and the relationship between humans and the environment. The problem that occurs in elementary school education is the lack of teacher innovation in using learning media which has not adapted the characteristics of the material to the characteristics of students, thus causing students' understanding of science material to be less than optimal. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the potential benefits of animated video media used in the science learning process in elementary schools. The data collection method was carried out through literature study with references based on several relevant national journals and related book reviews. Based on research findings, it shows that animated video media can be used to significantly increase the effectiveness of science learning in elementary schools. Apart from that, this research also recommends developing animated videos using the Canva, Capcut and KineMaster applications.
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