Fillmore’s Case Grammar in the Short Story Al-Yatîm By Fatima Mohsen
Tata Bahasa Kasus Fillmore Dalam Cerpen Al-Yatîm Oleh Fatima Mohsen
Case Grammar; Fillmore; Modality; Prepositio; Al-YatîmAbstract
Background: Case grammar emerged with Fillmore's response to developments in transformational grammar, making it a subject of interest to syntacticians and semanticists for several decades.
Purpose: This study aims to (1) uncover the dalâm modality of Fatima Mohsen's Al-Yatîm short story; and (2) to describe the dalâm proposition of Fatima Mohsen's Al-Yatîm short story based on the grammatical theory of the case of Charles J Fillmore.
Method: This research includes descriptive-qualitative research. The primary data sources used are lâh excerpts da lâm short stories Al-Yatîm by Fatima Mohsen, and secondary data sources used there arelâhbooks and journals related to research studies. The technique of data and data inthis study islâhthe read-record technique. The data analysis techniques used are therelâhdata analysis Miles and Huberman.
Results and Discussion: The results of this research include: (1) thereare 5 types of modalities, namely time (madhi, p, mustaqbal), sign (janib madhi, janib hal, janib mustaqbal), negation (lâ, lâ ysa , lan), adbverbs (taroddad, darojah), and mood (irshadiyah); and (2)there are 8 types of propositional cases, namely agentif cases (dhomir ana, dhomir mustatir nahnu, waliid, wahiid, at-tiflu as-shoghir), experiens cases (tahmilu), instrument cases (jihaz), objective cases (zaujatahu, kalâmaha), source cases (ta'uda, i'adah, ajro' ), the case of the purpose (i lâ at-thobib, ila al-mabna), the case of the locative (ma'mal, daaril aytam, maktabil mudiroh), and the case of time (tsalâ one asyhur, at-tsanawatil khams).
Conclusions and Implications: Case grammar studies not only focus on English grammar, but can also be applied to all grammatical languages including Arabic. In the grammar of the Fillmore case, each case has a semantic role in the sentence aiming to exp lâ in the relâtionship between the predicate and the noun phrase. With this research, readers are expected to be able to understand the grammar of cases, and be able to apply it in the learning process. Re lâ ted to the suggestion that needs to be looked at for future researchers is to examine more references and other theories re lâted to case grammar, as well as be better prepared in the process of data analysis so that they can get good research results. In addition, researchers understand that this study is far from perfect. Therefore, researchers ask for constructive advice from readers so that in the future they can present better research or other written works.
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