ELOQUENCE : Journal of Foreign Language https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE <table width="822"> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="9" width="33%"> <p><img src="https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/public/journals/24/cover_issue_161_en_US.png?66daa4ceaaffe" /></p> </td> <td width="20%"> <p>Journal title</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: ELOQUENCE: Journal of Foreign Language</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>Frequency</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: 3 issues/year (April-August-December)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>DOI</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: <a href="https://doi.org/10.58194/eloquence">https://doi.org/10.58194/eloquence</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>E-ISSN </p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220928141567058">2964-9277 </a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>Editor-in-chief</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: <a href="https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57993943300&amp;origin=recordPage">Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>Journal Manager</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=id&amp;user=lVx4S2cAAAAJ">Adtman A. Hasan</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>Publication Language</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: English - Indonesia </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>Publisher</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> <p>Institution</p> </td> <td width="59%"> <p>: IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="113%"> <p><span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong><em>E</em><em>LOQUENCE: Journal of Foreign Language</em></strong> is a Multy Lingual<em> (English-Arabic-Indonesia)</em> peer-refereed journal that promotes research in the field of foreign language teaching and learning, Literature, approaches, and theories.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Topics Include 1. </strong>Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (Foreign Language Learning strategy, Foreign Language Curriculum, Foreign Language Learning Media)<strong> 2. </strong>Linguistics Macro and Micro (Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis in Learning Foreign Language, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics aspect of a foreign language) <strong>3. </strong>Literature (Comparative Literature, Foreign Language Literature)</span></p> <p>We invite researchers, academics, and practitioners to submit manuscripts of research results to ELOQUENCE Journal of Foreign Language, E ISSN: 2964-9277. ELOQUENCE is a blind peer-reviewed foreign language journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the field of foreign languages (English, Arabic, and Indonesian) with the scope: Macro Linguistics, Micro Linguistic, Literature, Second Language, translation, and Cultural Studies. All publications in the ELOQUENCE journal are Open Access without charge<strong>.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> en-US ibnurawandi@iaingorontalo.ac.id (Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula) adtman@iaingorontalo.ac.id (Adtman A. Hasan) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 A Description of English Teaching Based on Curriculum Merdeka https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1806 <p><strong>Background: </strong>The curriculum change from the 2013 Curriculum to the Merdeka Curriculum has brought changes to the teaching process of a subject, including the English subject.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This research aims to describe the teaching of English based on the Merdeka curriculum at SMK Negeri 1 Limboto.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> This research aims to describe the teaching of English based on the Merdeka curriculum at SMK Negeri 1 Limboto.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion: </strong>The results of the research showed that during four observation sessions, the teacher consistently carried out all core learning activities stages as outlined in the observation guide. Similarly, students demonstrated active participation in the learning process, including praying, answering stimulus questions, identifying expressions from the discussed topics, working in groups, completing tasks, discussing, presenting discussion results, and participating in evaluations provided by the teacher.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions and Implications: </strong>In conclusion, while the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum has been undertaken with considerable effort and knowledge, there is still room for improvement in supporting teachers to be better prepared and able to implement this curriculum effectively in their learning processes. while the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum has been carried out with various preparations and existing knowledge, there is still room for improvement in supporting teachers to be better prepared and able to effectively implement this curriculum in their learning process, especially in terms of in-depth understanding of its characteristics, module preparation, assessment, and adjustment of supporting infrastructure. This that English teaching based on the Merdeka curriculum provides autonom and students in setting goals and the methods to achieve them.</p> Hikmawati Hikmawati, Andi Nurwati, Abdul Kadir Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Hikmawati Hikmawati, Andi Nurwati, Abdul Kadir Ismail https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1806 Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Analysis of Problematics in Learning Nahwu from the Book of Al-Jurumiyah https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1679 <p><strong>Background: </strong>This research is motivated by the gap between the importance of learning Arabic and the difficulties faced by students in learning <em>Nahwu</em> through the <em>Al-Jurumiyah </em>textbook.</p> <p><strong>Purpose</strong> To determine the application of <em>Nahwu</em> learning methods, identify the problems of <em>Nahwu</em> learning, and evaluate the efforts made by educators to overcome the problems of learning <em>Nahwu</em> using the <em>Al-Jurumiyah </em> textbook for Ibtida' Awwal B students at Pondok Pesantren Padepokan Padang Ati.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive study design that focuses on the problems of <em>Nahwu</em> learning, especially in the <em>Al-Jurumiyah </em>textbook. Data was collected through observation and field notes. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis model, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Furthermore, triangulation was carried out to ensure the validity of the data.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion: </strong>This research identified two constraints faced by students in learning <em>Nahwu</em> using the <em>Al-Jurumiyah </em>textbook, namely linguistic constraints (difficulty in writing and reading meaning) and non-linguistic constraints (background, interest, physical condition, and classroom atmosphere). To overcome these problems, educators use simple language, provide examples, deliver easily understandable material, utilize dictionaries, and apply learning methods through games.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions and Implications: </strong>This research concludes that educators have applied various <em>Nahwu</em> learning methods, such as the use of simple language, providing examples, and utilizing games, to overcome the linguistic (difficulty in writing and reading meaning) and non-linguistic (background, interest, physical condition, and classroom atmosphere) problems faced by students. This finding implies the importance of improving the pedagogical competence of educators in designing effective <em>Nahwu</em> learning according to the needs of students in Islamic boarding schools</p> Shilfiyya Haulina, Muhammad Zayinil Akhas Copyright (c) 2024 shilfiyya haulina, Muhammad Zayinil Akhlas https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1679 Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Innovative Arabic Curriculum Management Based on Learning and Content Management System (LCMS): A Descriptive Study in Boarding Schools https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1681 <p><strong>Background: </strong>Arabic education in boarding schools still faces a gap between the existing curriculum and technology utilization. Many schools have not optimized the Learning Content Management System (LCMS), which hinders the effectiveness of language learning and produces insufficient outcomes to guide students toward excellence.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>his study aims to describe (1) Management of Arabic Curriculum, (2) Digital Technology Curriculum Based on LCMS, (3) Implementation of Arabic Language Learning Based on LCMS, (4) Evaluation of Arabic Language Learning Based on LCMS, and (5) Output of Arabic Curriculum Management Based on LCMS in Boarding Schools.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive study design to understand the application of LCMS in managing the Arabic curriculum at SMA Al-Hikmah in East Java. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The data was analyzed using Miles and Huberman's analytical model, which includes data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Triangulation was performed to ensure data validity.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion: </strong>The results indicate that curriculum management at SMA Al-Hikmah comprises an Innovative Curriculum and Digital Technology, integrating LCMS for material access. Learning is conducted through e-learning and applications, with evaluations based on data analytics encompassing various assessments. The output includes improved Arabic language competence and skills in IT, research, and the Quran.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions and Implications: </strong>This study emphasizes that an LCMS-based curriculum can enhance Arabic language competence and character development in students. The implications provide new insights for developing curriculum management in boarding schools, helping students become more character-driven, high-achieving, and competitive on a global scale.</p> Faliqul Isbah, Fariz Abshar Abdallah, Saila Rizkiyati Saniyyah, M. Arsalrifqi Adji, Aniq Farkhanah Copyright (c) 2024 Faliqul Isbah, Fariz Abshar Abdallah, Saila Rizkiyati Saniyyah, M. Arsalrifqi Adji, aniq farkhanah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1681 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Orthography of Ta' Marbuthah and Ta' Mafthuhah in the Qur'an https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1761 <p><strong>Background: </strong>The writing of the Qur'an often involved the use of two forms of the letter ta', namely Ta' Marbuthah and Ta' Maftuhah. Inconsistencies in this writing, according to the rasm Usmani, raised the need for a deeper understanding of its writing rules. </p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This article aimed to discuss the writing of Ta' Marbuthah and Ta' Maftuhah in the Qur'an, evaluating its orthographic rules and implications.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This research employed a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis of the Qur'anic text and related literature on Arabic orthography. Primary sources included both classical and modern works that discussed rasm Usmani. <strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion: </strong>It was found that Ta' Marbuthah was generally used at the end of words indicating feminine gender or mu'annats, while Ta' Maftuhah was more often found in words with endings that did not necessarily indicate mu'annats. Additionally, in some contexts, words that conformed to general Arabic writing rules still used different forms in rasm Usmani. </p> <p><strong>Conclusions and Implications: </strong>A correct understanding of the writing rules of Ta' Marbuthah and Ta' Maftuhah was crucial to maintaining consistency and accuracy in the writing of the Qur'an. This also helped in understanding the proper meaning and pronunciation according to rasm Usmani.</p> Ningsi Manoppo, Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Ningsi Manoppo, Abdullah Abdullah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1761 Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Revealing Nadiem Makarim’s Communication Strategy in the Cancellation of the 2024 UKT Increase: A Review of Functional Systemic Linguistics https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1784 <p><strong>Background: </strong>Systemic Functional (LSF) in speech discourse analysis LSF is a linguistic approach that focuses on the use of language in social contexts and the contexts in which it is used. linguistic approach that focuses on the use of language in social contexts and their social context and its functions that enable the disclosure of important meanings to the speech comprehensively, including ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings. including ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This study analyzed Nadiem Makarim’s speech on the cancellation of the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) increase in 2024 using the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The data source was the video text of Nadiem Makarim’s speech in 2024. The data collection procedure was listening and note-taking. The data analysis techniques were reduction, presentation, interpretation using the SFL approach, and drawing conclusions.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion: </strong>The results showed that Nadiem’s speech was dominated by material and mental processes that reflected the concrete actions of the government and its beliefs in overcoming the issue of rising tuition fees. The sentence modes used were mostly declarative, aiming to provide information and attract the audience’s sympathy. The dominant modalities were those of belief and certainty, which illustrated Nadiem’s optimism towards the policies taken.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions and Implications: </strong>The conclusion of this study shows that the LSF approach can be applied in learning text analysis to help students understand the context, structure, and meaning of texts more deeply. in more depth. This research makes a practical contribution to the method of teaching methods of text analysis in educational settings, opens up opportunities for further research, and enriches the literature on policy speech analysis. and enriches the literature on policy speech analysis in education.</p> Ana Mariana, Moon Hidayati Otoluwa Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Mariana, Moon Hidayati Otoluwa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/ELOQUENCE/article/view/1784 Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800