Dr. Abdul Latif, S.E., M.Si. Scopus ID 57211797762 |
Moh Agus Nugroho, S.EI., M.E Sinta ID 6772169 |
Muhammad Mujib Baidhowi, ME Sinta ID 6779046 |
Abdul Jalil Nasir, MM. Sinta ID 6777099 |
Rudi Masniadi, S.E., M.E Sinta ID 6737866 |
Tedy Herlambang, M.M. Sinta ID 6149852 |
Dimas Pratomo, M.E. |
Dr. Azidni Rofiqo, M.E |
Fathul Khair, M.E. Sinta ID 6796245 |
Rina Desiana, M.E. Sinta ID 6706844 |
Dr. Syawaluddin S, M.Si Sinta ID 6777099 |
Language Advisor
Mohammad Rizal, S.E., M.E. |
Nurul Fadhilah, S.E., M.EK |
Muhammad Jihad Firman, M.M. Sinta ID 6763377 |
Jeksyah : Islamic Economics Journal (E-ISSN : 2807-9272)
Mailing Address:
Department of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Economics and Sharia Business, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Campus II Jl. Sultan Amai Gorontalo, West Limboto District, Gorontalo Regency. Indonesia. 96215. Tel: +(0435) 827242, Website: ttps://
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