Author Guidelines


The following standard headings should be used in this journal based on most research papers' common structures. 


The title summarizes the main ideas of your research. A good title contains a few words to adequately describe the main content and main purpose of your research paper. The title must be simple, direct, accurate, appropriate, specific, functional, concise/brief, unambiguous, informative, unique, and it should not be misleading.


An abstract summarizes the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence. It should reflect the contents of the main text of the paper accurately, highlight the selling point of the manuscript, and succeed in luring the reader to read the complete. The main part of an abstract is the purpose of the study, the methodology design of the study, major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis, and the originality which allows your research to be distinct from the existing literature. The supporting part of an abstract in a research limitation for further research to cover, a brief summary of the practical and social implications of your research.


The introduction should outline the aims of your paper, as well as describe why the topic is important and what it contributes to the body of knowledge. It establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the form of the research problem supported by a hypothesis or a set of questions, explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine the research problem, highlighting the potential outcomes your study can reveal, and outlining the remaining structure and organization of the paper.

Literature Review

The literature review provides an analysis and generalization of relevant works (papers, monographs, reports, theses, etc.), which describe the essence of the problem and/or give an understanding of the previous efforts to solve it. The Literature Review should comply with the aim of the research (“fitness for purpose”) and represent the results of a critical analysis of the analytical base for testing the research hypothesis. The literature review must not be limited only by works, which were published in the country where the author lives and works (the problem should be studied globally). Particularly it concerns the authors from non-English speaking countries (they are recommended to thoroughly analyze the works published in English).

Research Methods

The research methods section describes the main stages and procedures of the research to investigate a research problem and the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information applied to understand the main problem of the research. In detail, research methods must be explaining the methods used, the influences that determined your approach, and why you chose samples, etc. This section must focus on answers about collected or generated data, and the process to analyze data with the relevant analytical tools. The writing should be direct and precise and always written in the past tense.

Result and Discussion

The result and discussion section are the main part of the author's contribution to the research by providing a report in the form of an explanation of the findings of the research-based upon the methodology you applied to gather information. The results section should state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation. A section describing results is particularly necessary if your paper includes data generated from your own research. The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significant findings of the research considering what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of the research process to answer of the problem. The discussion will always connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed.


The conclusion should summarize the main state of the findings at the point of writing and consider the next steps. This section also the synthesis key points of the result and, if applicable recommend new areas for future research.


Manuscripts should include adequate reference citations to support methodology and discussion of the research study. Manuscript is expected involve approximately 20-25 primaries and update references to assert a high quality of the contribution to the knowledge development. Citations and references must strictly follow APA (American Psychological Association) style. References should relate only to the content that is cited within the text of the manuscript. References should be those of the last ten years publication (>80%), except for key references (80%). Referring to any textbook should be minimized (<20%). Consulting the APA style manual ( is highly recommended for compiling manuscript submissions. The Authors are recommended to use Mendeley Reference software




Titles (capitalize each word, 16pt, bold, calibri)

Paper Titles Use Bold and Capital Each Word, 16pt , Calibri (Titles must be concise, short, no more than 14 words, and capitalize the first letter of each word)

First Author , Second Author

 Affiliate of the first author without any academic degree and/or title

Second author affiliation (if any) without any academic degree and/or title

* Email: email of the first author or as appropriate, Email: email of the second author


Abstract (12pt, bold, calibri)

Written concisely and clearly in Indonesian and English. No more than 300 words. Written in Calibri font size 12, single spaced, italicized, and right and left aligned.

Keywords : Single space, left and right alignment, 3-5 keywords.


Introduction (14pt, bold, calibri)

Maximum 6,000 words including abstract and references. Use a 12-point calibri, single spaced, and justify left and right. For margins, use 3 cm for the top, 2.5 cm for the left, right, and bottom.

Literature Review (Capital, 12 pt, Calibri bold)

(Calibri, 12 pt, single spaced, left and right aligned)

Method (14pt, bold, calibri)

 (Calibri, 12 pt, single spaced, left and right aligned).

Results and Discussion (14pt, bold, calibri)

A section can consist of several subsections, typed in bold and italic and a numbered list style, as in the following example.  (Calibri, 12 pt, single spaced, left and right aligned).

Sub-Section as Part of the Parent

You don't need to add any special indentation in typing the body text under the subsection headings. The body text here is typed the same as any other body text.

Another . subsection

While you may need other sub-headings under this sub-section, it is highly discouraged to do so. Instead, feel free to organize your discussions and explanations in narrative paragraphs. Also, paragraph text list style is not recommended.

Table 1: Table Names (Initial capital, Calibri, bold, 12 pt, center alignment)

Column Head

Column Head: Initial capital, bold, 11 pt, center aligned.


Content (Text: 11 pt, left-aligned. Number: 11 pt, center-aligned)

Source:12 pt, left alignment

Figure 1: Image Title (Initial capital, bold, 12 pt, center alignment)

Source: 12 pt, center alignment



Conclusion (14pt, bold, calibri)

(Calibri, 12 pt, single spaced, left right aligned).

Acknowledgments (If any)

The author would like to thank: scholarships, funders, etc. (Calibri, 12 pt, single spaced, left and right aligned).

References (14pt, bold, calibri)


Cheung, F., Tang, CSK, & Tang, S. (2011). Psychological capital as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction among school teachers in China. International Journal of Stress Management , 18 (4), 348.

Duckworth, A. L., Quirk, A., Gallop, R., Hoyle, R. H., Kelly, D. R., & Matthews, M. D. (2019). Cognitive and noncognitive predictors of success. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 116(47), 23499-23504.

Ekananda, Mahyus. (2014).Ekonomi Internasional. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Fahdiansyah, R. (2020). Ownership structure and firm value with corporate social responsibility as a moderating variable (Study on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange). Journal of Enterprise and Development , 2 (2):47-56. /jed.v2i2.2073 .

Fauver, L., Hung, M., Li, X. & Taboada, AG (2017). Board reforms and firm value: Worldwide evidence. Journal of Financial Economics , 125 (1), 120-142.

Fountain, Y. (2019). Physical activity games. In J. Stone & CE Schaefer (Eds.), Game play: Therapeutic use of games with children and adolescents (3rd ed., pp. 79–98). John Wiley & Sons.

Pasuni, Aëf. 2018. “Negotiating statist islam: Fatwa and state policy in Singapore.” Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs,37(1): 57–88.

Sezgin, Yüksel, and Mirjam Künkler. 2014. “Regulation of ‘religion’ and the ‘religious’: Politics of judicialization and bureaucratization in India and Indonesia.” Comparative Studies in Society and History,56(2): 448–78.

Wulandari, D., Soseco, T., &Narmaditya, B. S. (2016). Analysis of the use of electronic money in efforts to support the less cash society. International Finance and Banking. 3(1): 1-10.