Enhancing Employee Performance: The Role of Workplace Spirituality, Job Knowledge and Job Skills


  • Anggun Mulia Margareta Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Puspa Novita Sari Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia




Workplace, Spirituality, Employee Performance


The role of human resources in an organization is crucial as the primary element and driver of organizational success. Especially in the face of global phenomena like COVID-19 and the threat of economic recession, high-quality human resources are needed to ensure the company's sustainability. This research aims to determine the influence of workplace spirituality, job knowledge, and job skills on employee performance at PT Fajar Bangun Raharja Surakarta. This research employed a quantitative method and included a sample of 44 employees. Multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing were conducted using SPSS 23. The results of the study indicate that workplace spirituality has a significant influence on the performance of employees at PT Fajar Bangun Raharja Surakarta. Job knowledge does not significantly affect employee performance at PT Fajar Bangun Raharja Surakarta. Job skills have a significant impact on employee performance at PT Fajar Bangun Raharja Surakarta. Workplace spirituality has a higher and more significant influence, indicating that respondents believe they are enjoying their work, that employees support each other, are connected to the company's mission and values, and feel valued.


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How to Cite

Margareta, A. M., & Sari, P. N. (2023). Enhancing Employee Performance: The Role of Workplace Spirituality, Job Knowledge and Job Skills. JEKSYAH: Islamic Economics Journal, 3(02), 78–87. https://doi.org/10.54045/jeksyah.v3i02.952