The Criteria of Good English Textbook for Students: A Senior English Textbook Analysis
English Book, Textbook, Content Analysis, Students’ CompetenceAbstract
Background: English textbooks are a medium for delivering a material; good textbooks must support good material in accordance with eight ideal textbook criteria.
Objective: This study aims to analyze and describe English textbooks used in SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo Regency.
Purpose: This study aims to analyze and describe English textbooks used in SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo Regency.
Method: This study used a qualitative method with a content analysis approach to textbooks. Data were obtained through a system of observation of topics, language aspects, task forms for four language skills, and task structures in each chapter of the book. The textbooks analyzed were for grade X high school students published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the 2017 edition of the K-13 curriculum. The data were analyzed descriptively in accordance with eight criteria for textbook analysis, namely the purpose and approach of book design and organization, language content, language skills, topics, methodology, teachers' books, and language practice situations.
Results and Discussion: The results showed that of the eight criteria for a good textbook, this book fulfills five criteria. The five criteria have clear objectives and approaches, book design and organization, language content, language skills, topics, and language practice situations.
Conclusion and Implications: This research has implications for efforts to improve students' mastery of English language skills through the teaching materials in the textbooks used.
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