DOI: Kunci:
Rumah Zakat, Management, FundraishingAbstrak
This study aims to determine how the West Kalimantan Zakat House in Fundraising management. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research are (1) the formulation of the Rumah Zakat West Kalimantan Strategy is a method of raising indirect funds (Indirect Fundraising), making superior programs, and services. (2) The organization of the West Kalimantan Zakat House is through the process of making, grouping, regulating various activities, determining and delegating its authority. (3) Implementation of the West Kalimantan Zakat House is by conducting socialization, collaboration, implementing service programs, reading prayers when donors donate directly, confirming donations to donors who transfer donations via ATM which is also a substitute for qabul consent, pick up donations, and maintenance registered donors through WhatsApp Blaster in the form of the Rumah Zakat program offer. (4) Evaluation of Rumah Zakat West Kalimantan by presenting a report card from which it will be determined to be given or a challenge so that Rumah Zakat as a professional institution can continue to develop for the better and get maximum results. This research is exploratory, requiring further investigation using more sophisticated qualitative and/or quantitative methods. Management problems that are still lacking in institutionalized zakat are expected to be reviewed in more detail holistically.