
Jurnal Dakwatun or Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah is a scientific journal published by the Department of Da'wah Management, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da'wah, Sultan Amai State Islamic Institute, Gorontalo on regularly (March and September). This journal receives manuscripts from field and literature research on the da'wah studies, management science, human resource management, Islamic finance institutional management, Islamic pilgrimage management, religious tourism management, and the dynamics of Islamic management.

Deadline     : 28/29 February every year
Publication : 30 March every year

Deadline     : 31 August every year
Publication : 30 September every year


Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues

Greeting from JURNAL DAKWATUN: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah

Submission open for: Volume 2 Number 1 (2023)
Last date of article submission 28th February

Submission open for: Volume 2 Number 2 (2023)
Last date of article submission 30th August

The Journal Dakwatun focused on Da'wah Management Studies and present developments through the publication of articles and research reports. This journal specializes on Da'wah Management Studies, and is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.

  • Da'wah Studies
  • Human Resource Management
  • Islamic Finance Institutional Management
  • Muslim Community Development
  • Islamic Pilgrimage Management
  • Religious Tourism Management
  • Zakat, Infaq and Shodaqoh Management
  • Waqf Management
  • The Dynamics of Islamic Management

Submit your Research Article

  • Online Submission
  • Author guideline
  • If you are interested in becoming a member of the editorial team, kindly submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV) through email at: