Plagiarism Policy

AKASYAH (Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan dan Audit Syariah) has a strict plagiarism policy to ensure the originality of submitted manuscripts. All papers undergo a pre-screening plagiarism check using Turnitin software upon submission Minimal 25 %. Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use or close imitation of another author's language and ideas, presented as one's own original work. The journal's policy mandates that all submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere. If any text or material is taken verbatim from another source, it must be properly cited with quotation marks, indentation, and source identification. The journal distinguishes between different levels of plagiarism—minor, intermediate, and severe—each with corresponding penalties ranging from a warning and correction request to rejection and a ban on future submissions for up to five years.

The policy applies uniformly to all authors listed on a manuscript, holding them collectively responsible for its content. In cases of repeated plagiarism offenses, the Editorial Board may impose permanent submission bans. The journal also addresses issues of self-plagiarism, requiring proper citation and permission when authors reuse their previously published material. In certain cases, such as when a manuscript was initially published in another language or in conference proceedings, the original publication must be identified, and appropriate permissions obtained. The journal's layout editor is responsible for maintaining a list of authors who have faced penalties, ensuring compliance with the plagiarism policy before accepting any new submissions. This policy is communicated to authors at the time of submission and is also available on the journal's website.