Peer Review

All manuscripts submitted to the Ar-Risalah Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam must follow the focus, scope, and writing guidelines of this journal. Manuscripts submitted must discuss scientific achievements or novelties that are in accordance with the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism content. All submitted manuscripts are advised to use plagiarism detection software to check similarities. The editor checks for plagiarism detection of articles in this journal using the Turnitin application. Research articles submitted to the Al-Mihnah journal will be reviewed by experts in accordance with the scientific field. These articles will be sent to peer reviewers to get a review process and will be returned to the authors for revision. The final decision on acceptance of articles will be made by the Editor in accordance with the reviewer's comments. The publication of articles received including the order of articles to be published, is made by the Chief Editor taking into account the order in which the articles were received