Praktik Pemanfaatan Zakat, Infak, dan Sedekah Untuk Penanggulangan Covid-19 Pada Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kota Gorontalo
Utilization, Covid-19, MUI Fatwa No.23 year 2020Abstract
This study raises two problems: 1) How is the practice of utilizing zakat, Infaq, and alms funds for Covid-19 prevention at Baznas Gorontalo City. 2) How is the suitability of the MUI Fatwa with the practice of utilizing zakat, Infaq, and alms for Covid-19 prevention at the Gorontalo City Baznas. This research is a qualitative research that belongs to the type of field research, using empirical normative approach, phenomenological, and Islamic law. Data collection techniques are carried out by directly mingling with the community, engaging interviews and reviewing documents. The Data were further analyzed in descriptive, inductive, deductive, and comparative. To draw conclusions, the data collected are processed through processes, reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of the study suggest that the practice of utilizing zakat, Infaq, and alms funds for the Prevention of Covid-19 by Baznas Gorontalo City is carried out, namely with the program “Baznas movement cares about Covid-19.” The suitability of MUI Fatwa number 23 of 2020 on the utilization of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah assets for the handling of the Covid-19 outbreak and its impact has several suitability, one of which is the legal provisions at point B in this provision Gorontalo City Baznas distributes consumptive assistance, spraying disinfectants, and providing personal protective equipment. However, from several suitability, there are also discrepancies, namely: 1) mustahik who is the target of Baznas Gorontalo city refers to data obtained from the village but in fact does not go through the verification process. 2) Gorontalo City Baznas made a mistake in taking the portion of poor asnaf that should have been taken from asnaf fi sabilillah to be used in the Covid-19 Outbreak Response program.