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ISSN | 0000-0000 (Print) | 0000-0000 (Online) |
Frequency | 2 Issues Per Year (June and December) |
All articles must be submitted by Online Submission at HMJ: Hulondalo Muamalah Journal portal address: where author register as Author and/or offered as Reviewer by online register. If authors have any problems about the online submission, please contact Editorial Team at the following email:
Papers submitted for publication must conform to the following guidelines:
Introduction; This section comprises the background, the literature review or the summary of previous relevant studies, the aims of writing the article, and the description of the problem solving and clear objectives of the research. There are three main distinctive characteristics of the Hulondao Muamalah Journal which include the background, the objectives and method of the study (without using such terms explicitly as subtitles in the main body of the article).
Discussion; The discussion is highlighted in the title and subtitles of this section. In addition, this section should significantly explore the research findings without redundant and long direct quotation.
Conclusion; The conclusion and recommendation of the author are given in this section and are consistent in using the term “Conclusion”. The conclusion of the research should serve the urgent purposes of the study within this section. This can be followed by suggesting the relevant future studies.
References; Referencing format used in this journal uses footnote model pertaining to the characteristics of each reference such as books, translated books, periodical or volume books, Anthology, article in book chapter, Journal articles, articles in encyclopedia article in journal, articles in website (internet), articles in mass media [magazine, tabloid, bulletin, and newspaper], research reports, thesis, dissertation, manuscript, and holly books.
Manuscripst Template
The manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word Article Template or in PDF