Hukum Menyentuh Istri Setelah Berwudhu
Toucing, Ablution, HaditsAbstract
This article discusses the hadith on the Law of touching his wife after ablution. In which the author examines the hadith by using the tahrij hadith method to determine the shahian hadith itself. For research reasons, this hadith is examined because many people do not understand the law on touching their wife after ablution. So that researchers try to find these arguments and conduct research on the hadith arguments that researchers find.
This research itself includes research using the object of the study of sanad and matan. The order of the sanad study itself includes the activities of takhrij al-hadith, which includes four methods, namely tracing bil lafdzi, beginning of matan, hadith themes, and research on the first narrator in the hadith. tracing the biography and self-specification of the hadith narrators down to their personal integrity and intellectual capacity. Meanwhile, the study of the meaning includes tracing whether there are things that contradict naqly arguments or aqly arguments in the hadith's matan
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