GUIDELINES FOR WRITING General Information 1. Accepted articles are articles that have never been published or are currently under consideration for publication in other journals 2. Each author has the right to publish only one of his writings in the same volume, unless the position in the first writing is as the first author, while on second writing as second author. 3. The author of the journal is the academic community of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo or non-academic community of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo. Manuscript Writing 1. Articles consist of 8-20 pages, typed with 1.15 spacing using A4 paper size with Times New Roman font size 12 and using footnotes (Foot Note). Articles to be published should be in good Indonesian and English. 2. Article structure: Title, author's name (without title), Author's institution, abstract (consisting of one paragraph, containing a minimum of objectives, methods, and results of less than 200 words, 1 space, written in Indonesian and English) , Introduction (problems and theoretical basis), Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliography. 3. The editing team has the right to change the writing without changing the substance. 4. The article is submitted to the editorial board in the form of soft copy (MS Word). 5. Articles must be submitted via Online submission/OJS Journal.