
  • akmal kablul harid universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau
  • Aldiansyah Putra
  • Zikri Darussamin



In this modern era, the development of the science of fiqh is very rapid. This, of course, has a correlation with the understanding of the arguments originating from the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. For example, there is a legal argument that is faced with a certain problem that will find a solution, but there are also several laws that originate from the Al-Qur'an in the same context, which actually cause different thoughts in understanding it. Therefore, when there are contradictory arguments, there are several methods to solve them. However, this paper will explain the method of solving it by means of Al-Jam'u Wa Al-Taufiq and Naskh. When there are contradictory arguments, then the solution is to collect and compromise them, so it is called Al-Jam'u Wal Al-Taufiq. This method aims to understand the context and meaning of different hadiths by identifying similarities and differences between them. This process involves critical analysis of the hadith's sanad and matan, as well as considering factors such as time, place and situation behind each narration. The research reveals that among the proposed methods of resolution is the effort to gather these pieces of evidence and compromise them to obtain a middle-ground legal ruling. In dealing with mukhtlif hadith, hadith scholars have several views. This paper will explore some of the view of hadith scholars regarding mukhtalif hadith.


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How to Cite

harid, akmal kablul, Aldiansyah Putra, & Zikri Darussamin. (2023). METODE AL-JAM’U WA AT-TAUFIQ DALAM KAJIAN MUKHTALIF HADIS. El-Mizzi : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis, 2(1), 12–24. Retrieved from