
  • Bobby Rachman Santoso UIN Tulungagung


Transfiguration of Da’wah, Manajement of Mahasantri, MADIN


Dakwah in this era of globalization requires a very significant method. So that when the preacher delivers his message, he is demanded to be packaged as attractive as possible and be accepted by honey without the element of coercion. This definitely requires a management in carrying out its dakwah activities. As was done by the mahad board of Al-Jami'ah IAIN Tulungagung when carrying out MADIN activities, with the aim of achieving the predetermined vision and mission. With various increasingly complex problems, dai had to make several changes or transfigurations in order to achieve the perfection of his preaching. So this requires further analysis to analyze the process and implications of the transfiguration that was carried out by the Mahad Al-Jami'ah committee. The method used in this research is field research, which uses a sociological approach, which is used as a reference for researchers in understanding human behavior. Like MADIN IAIN Tulungagung, it is doing transfiguration based on religio-culture. So with the transfiguration it can change and influence behavior as well as provide an understanding of changes in Islamic teachings. So that the preacher must be able to understand the situation and condition of the object of preaching both sociologically and psychologically in order to achieve his missionary goals.

