خطبة الجمعة إعلامياً دراسة حالة جمهوريتي السودان و إندونيسيا


  • Shalih Yousuf Sharaf السودان: جامعة الجزيرة كلية الإعلام فداسي الحليماب




Friday Sermons; Media; Da'wah


The aim of this research is to seek out the validity of Friday prayers in a separate imam and fiancé, (for each man's task). Also consider the aspect of utilizing different scientific disciplines whose scientists can come forward to explain and demonstrate what a Muslim needs and what he updates from a strictly specialized perspective while possessing good speaking skills and tools. The researcher used the descriptive curriculum and the corresponding tool. The importance of the topic of the study is highlighted in its association with religion and rituals on the one hand and the employment of Friday's platform and sermon in information and education that benefits and serves the community The importance of the research lies in his attempt to highlight two different models of Friday prayers, one in accordance with the Maliki doctrine followed in the Sudan, which does not favour the separation between Imam and Khatib and requires the Imam to pray and accept it in the other side of the Republic of Indonesia for certain reasons. An important result of the research is that the Republic of Indonesia adopts two persons for Friday prayers, one Imam, the other fiancé, and the Sudan adopts the plural status of Imam and Khatib as one person. Also, the majority of the Sudanese scholars interviewed when conducting this research did not oppose the application of the system of separation followed in Indonesia (Khatib and Imam) in the Sudan Sudan Sudan with the preference of the Group an. One result is that Friday's sermon is a media and educational tool targeting groups of worshippers (mosque society and Islam). Research has reached a number of recommendations, including: The research recommends that mosque imams in the Sudan should be attached to courses to improve reading according to the Indonesian model, as well as the fact that they are scientifically and religiously qualified to be speeches of an attractive university. The research also recommends the study of allowing mosque committees in the Sudan to select speakers with access and high status in their respective disciplines to benefit from their knowledge in religious, social and scientific subjects. (different disciplines) to disseminate science and enable mosques to perform their mission. One of the recommendations is that Friday's speeches should be recorded (photo and audio) or that some of the points addressed in the sermon should be discontinued and that the necessary technical science should be carried out; Montage, Graphics - Writing the title of the sermon and the name of the sermon and adding the programmatic technical breaks, translating the speeches one, translation and dissemination of speeches on media via pages bearing the names of mosques in the Arab and Islamic world

Author Biography

Shalih Yousuf Sharaf, السودان: جامعة الجزيرة كلية الإعلام فداسي الحليماب


