Strategy, Tabligh, PPKMAbstract
The strategy of tabligh activities is the right choice for preachers to use in an effort to broadcast the truth to all levels of society. During the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) requires a Muballigh (tabligh actor) to be smarter in taking the right steps to be used in tabligh activities so that the implementation of tabligh activities is able to experience good development and improvement during the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). ) ). In designing a strategy for tabligh activities, several efforts were carried out, first a SWOT analysis, namely strategic planning that is useful for integrating the external and internal environment. The second is to develop various choices of tabligh activity strategies. The third is choosing a strategy that has been prepared previously. Fourth is to run the strategy that has been chosen previously. The five assess the strategy that has been implemented. The strategy for tabligh activities in the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) can be carried out by means of the first way of da'wah fardiyah or face-to-face, this can be done through family or closest people but still adhere to health protocols. The two face-to-face strategies are carried out with two approaches, namely small-scale face-to-face, namely tabligh activities carried out with a small number of tabligh targets (adhering to health protocols) and large-scale face-to-face, namely tabligh activities carried out on a relatively large number of tabligh targets ( not recommended during PPKM). Through social media, tabligh activities can still be carried out without having to make direct contact with tabligh targets such as whatsapp, instagram, zoom, and so on