Manajemen Pendidikan Dalam Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar
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This study examines educational management in independent learning. This study aims to discuss: 1) the definition of educational management, 2) how learning is independent learning. The type of research data is mini research or literature study, because it is in the form of expressions of thinkers regarding education management in independent learning. The source of this research data is from books that come from the internet or not from the internet. The results of the study show that educational management is essentially efforts related to educational activities in which there is a process of influencing, motivating and motivating students' creativity by using educational tools, methods, media, facilities and infrastructure needed in implementing education. One of them is directly related to educators, namely people whose profession is to deliver educational material to students. Freedom to learn is a new policy initiated by the minister who is a member of the advanced Indonesian cabinet, Nadiem Anwar Makarim. Freedom of learning was born from the many problems that exist in education, especially those that focus on actors or human empowerment. After the implementation of the Free to Learn policy, there will be many changes, especially from the learning system.
Article Details
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