Journal of Islamic Education Management Research
<p><em>This study discusses the implications of independent learning curriculum planning in differentiated learning at Telaga 1 Public Middle School. The purpose of this research is to find out the implications of independent learning curriculum planning in differentiated learning. This type of research is qualitative research, which is a method for researching on natural object conditions, that the researcher is the key instrument. The data collection technique is carried out by means of triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive in nature, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization. The results of this study are that teachers have the flexibility to choose various teaching tools so that learning can be adapted to the learning needs and interests of students. In this independent curriculum, teachers design and develop lesson plans based on the principle of differentiation. Furthermore, the independent curriculum on learning outcomes is arranged per phase and this is a simplification step. And in the independent curriculum, the national exam was abolished and replaced with competency and character assessment. As well as the implementation of projects to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students in schools that have implemented the independent curriculum.</em></p>Sri Dinawaty SuyitnoKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Dinawaty Suyitno, Kasim Yahiji
2023-12-052023-12-0522111Kajian Teoritis dan Pisikologis Manajemen Kepesertadidikan Pada Kurikulum Merdeka
<p><em>Educational management is an important aspect of educational management. Education management is related to the organization and management of students through various stages of the educational process, from admission to potential development. The independent curriculum is a new policy in education in Indonesia which gives autonomy to schools to regulate their own curriculum. This policy demands a paradigm shift in education management. This study aims to examine the theoretical and psychological aspects of education management in the independent curriculum. This study uses a literature review method, researchers use library research to examine the theoretical and psychological aspects of education management in the independent curriculum. The results of the study show that education management in the independent curriculum must be student-oriented. Education management must be able to facilitate students to develop their potential optimally.</em></p>Siti Nurain PabiaiyeKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Nurain Pabiaiye, Kasim Yahiji
<p><em>This research includes library research. The technique used in this research is to use various references related to the intended research theme, namely the management function in managing learning. The entire series of learning aims to create conditions where students are active in learning and develop their understanding, improve the quality of learning and build effective and efficient learning so that learning objectives or competencies can be achieved in accordance with the decisions that have been planned. Management has tasks that must be carried out. That task can be called a management function, which consists of planning, organizing, actuating, controlling. The entire series in management management aims to create conditions to help improve the quality of learning. Because in the process of education a person is formed so that he can become a quality individual. Within the education system there needs to be a transformation of education management. Which currently still has problems in overcoming each overlapping policies. The school curriculum must be diversified with the independent learning program so that it can run continuously with applicable laws and government regulations. Independent learning curriculum management in Islamic education institutions is a whole process of joint efforts to facilitate the achievement of teaching goals with an emphasis on efforts to improve the quality of interaction and teaching.</em></p>Titi Sofyaningsih RadjakKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Titi Sofyaningsih Radjak, Kasim Yahiji
<p><em>This paper was made with several existing sources to find out what evaluation, management, and curriculum are. Curriculum management is a curriculum management system that is cooperative, comprehensive, systemic and systematic to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives. Evaluation or assessment is carried out in stages, continuously, and is open. The independent learning curriculum is a curriculum that gives the spirit of freedom of thought to teachers and students, both of which are used as implementers of the independent learning curriculum. Curriculum management is a system that is closely related to each other and supporting components. Methods, objectives, learning materials, and evaluation form the components of the curriculum. All curriculum subsystems will work together to achieve common educational goals under this model. The curriculum system will function less effectively and optimally if one of the curriculum variables does not function properly. The results of curriculum evaluation can be used by education policyholders, planners, and curriculum developers in selecting and establishing policies for developing the education system and the curriculum model used</em><em>.</em></p>Sri Ningsih Ratnasari PodomiKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Ningsih Ratnasari Podomi, Kasim Yahiji
2023-08-012023-08-01223647Kajian Teoritis Manajemen Kurikulum Merdeka
<p><em>The curriculum is the heart of an educational institution, because the curriculum is intended as a guide in implementing learning activities in the educational institution concerned. Real facts in the implementation of the curriculum of course there will be a change in the curriculum system. A pre-programmed lesson plan, teaching resources, and learning experiences make up the curriculum. Every educator can use the curriculum as a reference in carrying out the teaching and learning process. The development of the digital era is not from the curriculum. One of the benchmarks for developing an independent learning curriculum is the current era of digitalization. In addition, the way of education that has been implemented so far in Indonesia often does not reflect the condition of teachers and students. As a result, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim, sparked the idea of an independent learning curriculum which is a solution to the problems that exist in the world of Indonesian education today. The purpose of this study is to explain the theoretical study of independent curriculum management. The data in this study were obtained through the method of literature study, through articles, journals and books about the Independent Curriculum. The independent curriculum is a program that is expected to be able to carry out recovery in learning, which offers three characteristics including project-based learning for the development of soft skills and character according to the profile of Pancasila students, learning in essential modules and a more flexible curriculum structure.</em></p>Vebriyanti Isilaku Kasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Vebriyanti Isilaku , Kasim Yahiji
2023-08-012023-08-01224861Manajemen Pendidikan Dalam Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar
<p><em>This study examines educational management in independent learning. This study aims to discuss: 1) the definition of educational management, 2) how learning is independent learning. The type of research data is mini research or literature study, because it is in the form of expressions of thinkers regarding education management in independent learning. The source of this research data is from books that come from the internet or not from the internet. The results of the study show that educational management is essentially efforts related to educational activities in which there is a process of influencing, motivating and motivating students' creativity by using educational tools, methods, media, facilities and infrastructure needed in implementing education. One of them is directly related to educators, namely people whose profession is to deliver educational material to students. Freedom to learn is a new policy initiated by the minister who is a member of the advanced Indonesian cabinet, Nadiem Anwar Makarim. Freedom of learning was born from the many problems that exist in education, especially those that focus on actors or human empowerment. After the implementation of the Free to Learn policy, there will be many changes, especially from the learning system.</em></p>Elma ToinoKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Elma Toino, Kasim Yahiji
2023-08-012023-08-01226269Prinsip Manajemen Kurikulum, Pembelajaran Dan Kepesertadidikan (Kajian Kurikulum Merdeka)
<p><em>Curriculum Merdeka is a curriculum with diverse intracurricular learning, the content will be more optimal so that students have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competencies. Educators have the flexibility to choose various teaching devices so that learning can be tailored to the learning needs and interests of students. . This research uses the content analysis method. Content Analysis method which is a research method whose object of research is not humans. This Content Analysis method uses text and symbols that are in the media. Text analysis inside text messages is based on the human senses. The purpose of this study is to determine the principles of curriculum management, learning, and learners in the independent curriculum.</em></p>Firda B HanaKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Firda B Hana, Kasim Yahiji
<p><em>This article discusses the role of IT in curriculum management, learning management, and education. The purpose of this article is to explain and describe the role of information technology in education. The method used is library research (library research) in which the authorship process uses a collection of books including online books, journals as well as the results of several previous studies that support the theme of this authorship. Information technology can be used as a tool to facilitate the process of forming a curriculum, can facilitate the learning process, and can be used by students to explore more knowledge. This information technology can add innovation and improve the quality of education in Indonesia.</em></p>Atika R. MohuneKasim Yahiji
Copyright (c) 2023 Atika R. Mohune, Kasim Yahiji
<p><em>Teaching materials are the most important thing in the implementation of the learning process, because a learning process will be impossible to carry out properly without careful planning. This article interprets the concepts, principles, objectives, and benefits of developing PAI teaching materials with the research method is a literature study. Data collection techniques are obtained through documentation, namely digging data according to various kinds of journal news, books, writings, and other information. Then, try to review from several journals, articles, papers, and also books that have been obtained and collected and sources that are in accordance with this article. The results of the article discussion are centered on the reality that exists in the field where many teachers or educators have not been able to master learning materials let alone develop them. Therefore it is important for teachers to know, understand and master the material they teach to develop.</em></p>Djamila PaputunganKasim YahijiSyarifuddin OndengMuh. Arif
Copyright (c) 2023 Djamila Paputungan, Kasim Yahiji, Syarifuddin Ondeng, Muh. Arif
<p><em>The quality of learning is largely determined by the extent of an educator's success in developing teaching materials. For this reason, there is a need for techniques and steps in developing teaching materials. This article elaborates on the techniques and steps for developing Islamic Religious Education teaching materials. This type of research is a literature study by looking for data derived from books and scientific articles that have relevance to the topic of discussion. Data collection techniques are obtained through documentation, namely digging data according to various kinds of journal news, books, writings, and other information. The next process, which is to review from several journals, articles, papers, and also books that have been obtained and collected as well as sources that are in accordance with this article. The results of the research are describing techniques and steps in developing teaching materials in Islamic religious education that must be recognized and understood by educators, especially teachers, because later teaching materials will be implemented in the learning process that will be absorbed by students.</em></p>Moh. Solihin HulopiKasim YahijiSyarifuddin OndengMuh. Arif
Copyright (c) 2023 Moh. Solihin Hulopi, Kasim Yahiji, Syarifuddin Ondeng, Muh. Arif