Focus and Scope

The As-Syams Journal of Islamic Law focuses on the development of Islamic jurisprudence through the dissemination of quality scientific research and discussion. This journal serves as a forum for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share findings, analysis, and critical thinking on various issues related to Islamic law in local and global contexts. By facilitating the integration of Islamic law into diverse social, cultural, and legal dynamics, the journal aims to address contemporary challenges through relevant and innovative perspectives of Islamic law. In addition, this journal also aims to increase understanding and awareness of Islamic legal principles and advance Islamic legal education at various levels. The topics covered covered various aspects of Islamic law such as:

1. Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah),
2. Islamic Criminal Law (Jinayah),
3. Islamic Economic Law,
4. Islamic Constitutional Law (Siyasah Syar'iyyah),
5. Islamic International Law (Siyar),
6. Contemporary Fiqh;
7. Islamic Law Methodology,
8. Islamic Law and Socio-Culture,
9. Islamic Law and Human Rights,
10. Comparative Study of Law,
11. Civil law,
12. Anthropological Law,,
13. The Law of Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqoh,
14. Marriage and Gender Issues,
15. Inheritance Law,
16. Waqf Law,