Cover UP Marriage LGBTQ+ Perspektif Al Qur'an dan Hukum Keluarga Islam


  • Nugraha Andri Afriza STAIN Mandailing Natal
  • Nira Nianti Pascasarjana UIN Raden Intan Lampung


cover-up marriage, wedding, LGBT, LGBTQ


Marriage is a sacred thing for mankind, especially Islam. Marriage, which has been regulated in the Qur'an through several verses that are used as arguments, plus the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as reinforcement, makes marriage a matter that is often considered in the study of Islamic law. LGBTQ+ is a sexual deviance that is condemned in Islamic religious doctrine and is also taboo in society. For people who prioritize the ideal marriage age (20–30 years), like Indonesia, this of course also applies to people who are LGBTQ+. However, even same-sex marriage cannot be carried out in Indonesia, which has been regulated by law in harmony with Islamic religious teachings. The solution that LGBTQ+ people have found is to carry out cover-up marriages to cover up the demand to marry at the ideal age and also cover up deviations in their sexual orientation. Getting married and continuing to do homosexual activities is the goal of marriage. This research is field research with a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection method was carried out by means of documentaries, and the method of data analysis was carried out by content analysis. The conclusion of this study is that cover-up marriage is legal in the eyes of the state but unlawful under Islamic law.




How to Cite

Afriza, N. A., & Nianti, N. . (2023). Cover UP Marriage LGBTQ+ Perspektif Al Qur’an dan Hukum Keluarga Islam. Journal of Islamic Family Law, 2(1), 37–48. Retrieved from