Author Guedelines

Author Guidelines


The following standard headings should be used in this journal based on most research papers' common structures. 


The title is written in capital letters (do not use the words; Influence, and/or Analysis). Full name without title for corresponding author, and co-author. Include the institution of origin and email address of each author.


Abstract and essence consist of one paragraph, 1 spaced, 12 pt font, containing objectives, research methods, results and conclusions as well as their meaning.

policy, Maximum 150 words.


This section is a general description or phenomenon regarding the topic raised which includes the background to the research problem. The description is made concisely but is able to provide a concrete picture regarding the importance of this research/study.



Literature Review

This section contains theoretical studies according to the topics raised in the research. It is best to prioritize relationships between variables in focused research or theoretical explanations. It is permissible to use functional/mathematical equations in this section but accompanied by adequate explanations.

Research Methods

This section contains the types and sources of data in research as well as data collection techniques; data analysis methods used in solving research problems. If you use functional/mathematical equations, or tables in the section, they must be accompanied by adequate explanations.


Result and Discussion

This section consists of research results and discussion of these results. The results obtained from the research must be supported by sufficient data. A good discussion is one that is not only related to the table of research results, but is able to explain the relationship with related research, and if necessary includes a little relevance to the theory raised.


This section contains answers to the research objectives that have been previously set. Suggestions in the form of policy implications that can be carried out in connection with the author's findings or conclusions.


All references used in the manuscript must be listed in a bibliography listed alphabetically. The bibliography used is from the last 10 years and 80% comes from journals. An example of writing a bibliography is as follows;

Aggarwal, R. K. dan Yousef. 2000. Islamic Banks and Investment Financing, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking.

Aisjah, Siti dan Agustian Eko Hadianto. 2013. Performance Based Islamic Performance Index (Study on the Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank Syariah Mandiri). Asia-Pacific Management and BusinessApplication.

Amalia, Fitri. 2014. Etika Bisnis Islam: Konsep dan Implementasi pada Pelaku Usaha Kecil. Al- Iqtishad, Vol. 2 No. 1




The rules for writing a Mutawazzin journal are as follows:

Articles must be original writings, research results, or theoretical studies in the fields of economics, finance, and sharia banking. It has never been published in any media, and is free from elements of plagiarism.

  1. Articles are written in Indonesian that meets EYD Indonesian language rules, or English that meets grammar.
  2. Systematic Writing;
  3. Initial Part: Title written in capital letters (do not use the words; Influence, and/or Analysis). Full name without title for corresponding author, and co-author. Include the institution of origin and email address of each author. Abstract in English and Indonesian, one space with no more than 300 words, containing objectives, methods and results.
  4. Main Part: Introduction, Theoretical Foundation, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, and Closing, containing conclusions, and (suggestions if any).
  5. Final section: Bibliography, containing the references used, at least 60 percent of which come from articles published in relevant scientific journals.
  6. Writing Techniques;
  7. The new paragraph begins on the seventh beat at the left margin, and there is no additional space between paragraphs.
  8. The use of foreign words must be in italics.
  9. Typing limits: Left edge 3cm, right 2.5cm. Top edge (top) 3cm, bottom (bottom) 2.5cm.
  10. Tables, figures and other illustrations are given clear titles, numbers, years and sources.
  11. Bibliographic sources are written in name-year (author's last name-year of publication), only the author must match exactly what is stated in the bibliography.
  12. Quotes use model and notes, without footnotes.
  13. The manuscript is typed in Ms.Word, 1 space, font size 12, Garamond font style with a maximum length of 15-25 pages (A4).
  14. Manuscripts must be sent no later than 1 month before publication of the Journal, submitted directly to the Mutawazzin journal,