
  • Aniq Akhmad Ali Bawafie Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Halimah Basri Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Zuhaira Millatina Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara



Consumer Behaviour, Islamic Ethics, Maslahah


Distinctive features of Muslim consumer behaviour include the tendency to choose products with halal certification, concern for ethical practices in sourcing and production, and the desire to support businesses that are in line with their Islamic values. The research method used is a literature study that follows a structured drafting process. Consumer behaviour in Islamic economics is considered holistic and based on ethics, from the selection of goods to their use, as well as the benefits obtained from consumed goods. Consumer behaviour in Islam focuses on the basic idea that humans tend to choose goods and services that provide maximum benefits (maslahah). In the view of Islamic economics, objects are not seen as perfect substitutes for each other. In Islamic economics, consumer behaviour is considered holistic and based on ethics, from the selection of goods to their use, as well as the benefits derived from the goods consumed. Muslim consumers are encouraged not to follow a consumptive lifestyle fuelled by lust, known as Tarf. Furthermore, the fulfilment of needs is done based on the level of kemashlahatan required to support an Islamic life.


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