Author Guidelines


  1. The Manuscript should be written in  Indonesian, English or Arabic, has never been published or is not in the process of submission for publication to other media and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
  2. The Manuscript may take the form of research, case studies, or literary studies.
  3. The author should register as an author. The guide to registering and submitting the paper is at the bottom.
  4. The Manuscript will be published in Al-Kilmah after being reviewed by peer reviewers.
  5. The Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines and Template. The WRITING TEMPLATE can be downloaded HERE.


The title should be short and simple. After the title of the manuscript, followed by the names of authors and affiliation. Last is the complete contact information for the corresponding author, including the email address.

The abstract section is created in a single paragraph. The first sentence generally states the purpose of the experiment and the next sentence explains how the investigation is conducted. The next sentence presents an overview of the experimental results and the last sentence describes the significance of the results and their impact on the field of study in general. Add 3-6 strong keywords.

The introduction contains the purpose of article/research that is formulated and presented by an adequate introduction and avoids detail references and research result presentations. The research urgency, supporting facts, and data must be included. A preliminary research result should be explained as the basis of the research. Before mentioning the objective/s, a gap analysis must be elucidated. The gap analysis states the difference/s between the research and other previous studies. At this point, the novelty will be apparent. The research stance must be included, whether it corrects, debates, or support the previous research.

The method used should be accompanied by references; the relevant modification should be explained. The procedure and data analysis technique should be emphasized in a literature review article. The stages and analysis of the research must be explained in detail.


should be presented in the same part, clearly and briefly. The discussion part should contain the benefit of the research result, not the repeat result part. The results and discussion part can be written in the same part to avoid the extensive quotation. Tables or graphs must present different results. The results of data analysis must be reliable in answering research problems.  References to the discussion should not repeat the references in the introduction. Comparisons to the findings of previous studies must be included.

The conclusion of the research is presented briefly, narrative, non-bulleted, and conceptual. The research impact must be stated.


ReferncesA minimum of 10 references, 80% of which are primary sources and must come from research results, ideas, theories, or concepts in the form of journals or proceedings that have been published in both print and electronic journals. 20% of references referenced from books, and theses that have been published within the last five years, except for classic references (master books) used as historical study materials. The minimum percentage of plagiarism/similarity is no more than 25%. Please use a Reference Management Application such as Mendeley. References follow IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) style. We will check the percentage of plagiarism/similarity, no more than 30%.