Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal <p>Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal, a journal of constitutional law published twice a year by Sultan Amai State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Gorontalo since 2023, is concerned with publishing original (library or field) research articles in the field of constitutional law. All submitted papers are subject to double-blind review process. <a href="">More...</a></p> en-US Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal PERBANDINGAN PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT PADA PEMILIHAN KEPALA DAERAH TAHUN 2018 DAN PEMILIHAN UMUM TAHUN 2019 <p><em>election is a means of popular sovereignty to elect representatives of the people such as members of the House of Representatives, members of the House of regional representatives, the President and Vice President, to elect members of the House of regional representatives and elect regional heads and Deputy Heads of Regions conducted directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly, and fairly in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Regional Head election is a process to achieve formal legal authority carried out on the participation of candidates, voters (Constituents), and controlled by supervisory institutions, in order to obtain legitimacy from the community authorized by applicable law. The pair of candidates for the regional head candidate who received the most votes from voters was declared the regional head who would lead an area in a certain period of time in the future. This research is a type of field research using empirical approach and political sociology approach. The empirical approach is intended to look at the law in a real sense and examine how the law works in society, which is taken from the facts that exist in society related to people's participation in elections. Political sociology approach is an approach that measures or assesses the socio-political community of West Bolangitang district using the theory of community participation. Community participation is the participation of a person or group of people in identifying problems, making decisions and providing alternative solutions through thought, expertise, time, capital or material to development programs implemented by the government. As a goal, participation generates empowerment, that is, everyone has the right to express an opinion in decisions that concern their lives.</em></p> Octavia Latodjo Selviyanti Kaawoan Copyright (c) 2023 Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 1 01 1 20 PERLINDUNGAN DATA PRIBADI CLOUD COMPUTING SYSTEM (GOOGLE DRIVE) DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF UNDANG UNDANG NOMOR 19 TAHUN 2016 TENTANG INFORMASI DAN TRANSAKSI ELEKTRONIK <p>Penelitian ini mengangkat dua masalah yaitu, bagaimana bentuk perlindungan data pribadi pada media penyimpanan <em>cloud computing system </em>(Google Drive) ditinjau dari perspektif Undang Undang Nomor 19 tahun 2016 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik dan bagaimana pengaturan sistem keamanan <em>cloud computing system </em>(Google Drive) tentang perlindungan data pribadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk perlindungan data pribadi khususnya pada Undang Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan sistem keamanan <em>cloud computing system </em>(Google Drive). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif atau penelitian kepustakaan yang mengambil sumber data dari buku-buku, jurnal, skripsi dan karya ilmiah lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang lebih didasarkan pada analisis dalam hal ini lebih difokuskan pada peraturan perUndang Undangan yaitu Undang Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat dua pembahasan pokok dalam penelitian ini yaitu yang pertama adalah bentuk perlindungan data pribadi ditinjau dari Undang Undang ITE dan yang kedua tentang pengaturan keamanan <em>cloud computing system </em>(Google Drive) itu sendiri. Dari penelitian yang ada bahwa dari segi Undang Undang bentuk perlindungannya belum dapat dikatakan sempurna karena dilihat dari isi pasal yang berkaitan dengan data pribadi masih bersifat abstrak dan terkait perlindungan data pribadi masih tersebar di beberapa Undang Undang yang ada</p> Nurmala Dunggio Andi Muhammad Fuad Copyright (c) 2023 Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 1 01 21 38 KEWENANGAN BADAN PERMUSYAWARATAN DESA SEBAGAI PENGAWAS DANA DESA <p><em>This study raises two problems, namely, how to optimize the authority of the village consultative body in the administration of government in Lobuto Village, Biluhu District, Gorontalo Regency and the mechanism of the village consultative body in terms of overseeing the management of village funds and factors that affect the village consultative body in carrying out supervision in Lobuto Village, Biluhu District, Gorontalo Regency. This study aims to determine how the optimization of the authority of the village consultative body in governance in Lobuto Village, Biluhu District, Gorontalo Regency and the mechanism of the village consultative body in terms of overseeing the management of village funds and factors affecting the village consultative body in carrying out supervision in Lobuto Village, Biluhu District, Gorontalo Regency. This type of research is descriptive research which is one of the strategies in a qualitative research. This study uses normative juridical approach (positive law). The results of this study there are two main discussions that in terms of optimizing the authority of BPD as a representative of the people in Lobuto Village the way people to convey their aspirations and complaints in a written or oral manner. Can be delivered by directly meeting BPD or at a meeting or BPD meeting and mechanisms in overseeing the performance of village government bpd usually focuses on the use of village funds.</em></p> Uwanza A. Lamusu Dedi Sumanto Copyright (c) 2023 Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 01 39 54 DISHARMONI PERATURAN DAERAH PROVINSI GORONTALO NOMOR 10 TAHUN 2003 DENGAN PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN MENGENAI HAK ASASI MANUSIA PERSPEKTIF GENDER DAN MAQASHID SYARIAH <p><em>election is a means of popular sovereignty to elect representatives of the people such as members of the House of Representatives, members of the House of regional representatives, the President and Vice President, to elect members of the House of regional representatives and elect regional heads and Deputy Heads of Regions conducted directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly, and fairly in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Regional Head election is a process to achieve formal legal authority carried out on the participation of candidates, voters (Constituents), and controlled by supervisory institutions, in order to obtain legitimacy from the community authorized by applicable law. The pair of candidates for the regional head candidate who received the most votes from voters was declared the regional head who would lead an area in a certain period of time in the future. This research is a type of field research using empirical approach and political sociology approach. The empirical approach is intended to look at the law in a real sense and examine how the law works in society, which is taken from the facts that exist in society related to people's participation in elections. Political sociology approach is an approach that measures or assesses the socio-political community of West Bolangitang district using the theory of community participation. Community participation is the participation of a person or group of people in identifying problems, making decisions and providing alternative solutions through thought, expertise, time, capital or material to development programs implemented by the government. As a goal, participation generates empowerment, that is, everyone has the right to express an opinion in decisions that concern their lives.</em></p> Gita Maghfiroh Saniyyah Rahmat TS. Gobel Copyright (c) 2023 Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 01 55 80 EFEKTIVITAS PERATURAN DAERAH PROVINSI GORONTALO NOMOR 10 TAHUN 2003 TENTANG PENCEGAHAN MAKSIAT TERHADAP PERJUDIAN DI KECAMATAN KOTA SELATAN <p><em>As the explanation of Gorontalo provincial regulation No. 10 of 2003 on the Prevention of immorality specified in Article 8 that “everyone is prohibited from entering and or being in places that organize gambling.” However, often we encounter discrepancies with existing facts. The community deliberately involves itself as a player or involved in helping gambling. In accordance with the observation there are 5 (five) locations that have always been a place of gambling including in Keluran Biawao, Keluran Biawu, Keluran Limba B, Keluran Limba U I, and Keluran Limba U II, who do gambling using dominoes and cockfights. This study uses qualitative research, namely research conducted to answer problems that require in-depth understanding in accordance with the context of the time and the situation in question, carried out reasonably and naturally in accordance with the objective conditions in the field without manipulation, as well as the type of data collected, especially qualitative data. The effectiveness of Gorontalo provincial regulation No. 10 of 2003 on the Prevention of immorality against gambling has not been maximal or evective carried out, it is caused by 3 indicators of government policy that are not well implemented, namely socialization, implementation, and evaluation; socialization since 2011 has no longer been socialized; then the implementation that is not maximal is carried out, namely, Article 14 is carried out with other fersi which is certainly a formal defect and does not provide a deterrent effect to violators. Furthermore, the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol-PP) since 2018 until now has no longer conducted raids; and then evaluations that have never been carried out by the government to correct the extent to which policy steps or the effectiveness of the regulation.</em></p> Rasyid Yusuf Ahmas Asif Sardari Copyright (c) 2023 Sultan Amai Staatsrecht Journal 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 01 81 106