Innovation of Learning Methods in Islamic Education Management Applying Gamification to Increase Learning Interest


  • Zainal Arifin UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Atika R. Mohune IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


Gamification, Learning Interest, Islamic Education, Learning Method, Innovation


Traditional teaching methods in Islamic education, such as lectures and rote memorization, have often been less effective in engaging students. In the digital era, innovative learning strategies have been required to create a more interactive and engaging educational experience. One approach that has recently been implemented is gamification, which integrates game elements into the learning process to enhance student engagement and motivation. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of gamification in increasing students’ learning interest within Islamic education. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative approach was conducted through pretests and posttests, analyzed using the Paired Sample T-Test and N-Gain to examine changes in students' motivation scores. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach was carried out through interviews and observations to explore students' experiences and the challenges faced by teachers in implementing gamification. The findings indicated a significant increase in students’ learning motivation after the implementation of gamification, with the average pretest score of 56.42 rising to 60.18 in the posttest. The N-Gain test revealed that the improvement was categorized as low to moderate. Qualitative analysis showed that students were more engaged and motivated in gamified learning, although challenges such as limited technological access and teacher preparedness were identified. In conclusion, gamification was proven to be an effective strategy for enhancing students’ learning interest in Islamic education. However, for its implementation to be more optimal, better technological support, teacher training, and a more flexible gamification design tailored to students’ characteristics were needed.





