E-Learning in Islamic Education: Distance Learning Solutions During the Pandemic


  • Buhari Luneto IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo
  • Yahya Yunus Anuli IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


E-learning, Islamic Education, Distance Learning, Madrasah, Pesantren


The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the global education system, including Islamic education, which had previously relied heavily on face-to-face learning. E-learning was adopted as a primary solution to ensure the continuity of religious education, particularly in madrasahs and pesantrens. This study was conducted to explore the effectiveness of e-learning in Islamic education during the pandemic, as well as its challenges and optimization strategies. A qualitative approach was employed, combining library research and field observations. Data were collected through literature reviews from academic journals, interviews with teachers and students, and direct observations in several Islamic educational institutions. The analysis was carried out using Miles and Huberman’s framework, consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings revealed that e-learning provided flexibility in accessing Islamic education, enabled personalized learning, and enhanced technology-based interaction. However, several challenges were encountered, including inadequate infrastructure, a digital divide between urban and rural students, and a lack of digital literacy among teachers and students. To address these issues, strategies such as teacher training in technology, the development of blended learning curricula, and improved internet access and digital devices for madrasahs and pesantrens were required. The study concluded that e-learning holds significant potential for Islamic education if optimized with adequate technological support and adaptive learning strategies. With the right innovations, e-learning could not only sustain but also enhance the quality of Islamic education in the digital era.





