
  • Suwarin Rais Nusi IAIN Sultan Amai
  • kasim yahiji Pascasarjana, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sultan Amai Gorontalo



Islamic Education, Politics and Education Policy, Social Transformation, Globalization , Local Cultural Values


This article discusses political aspects in Islamic education to provide understanding and insight into the development of education, especially Islamic education in Indonesia. Historical records show that Islamic education policy experiences ups and downs according to the role of policy makers. The political dynamics of Islamic education from pre-independence to the reform period had content and values in the formation of national civilization. Education and politics are a unity that shapes human characteristics and civilization. This relationship is an empirical reality that has occurred since the beginning of the development of human civilization. Another important thing is the social and cultural aspects of Islamic education that occur in adulthood. The emergence of the phenomenon of modern society which should focus on solutions in supporting the political development of human life civilization. So this article also examines significant changes in social and cultural transformation in Islamic education. Where Islamic education is expected to be able to develop insight into Islamic life which is realized in human relationships with the Almighty Creator, human relationships with each other and the environment in which humans are active. In the social aspect, there are changes in people's attitudes and behavior related to norms, ethics and morality. Globalization with increasingly sophisticated developments in science and technology has influenced individuals and social groups. Changes that create imbalances in social relationships, create conflict and change the dynamics of interactions between individuals. In a cultural context, it influences the identity and traditions of a group. Traditional values often compete with modern values which are more individualistic and consumeristic. This can threaten the continuity of local cultures and stimulate the search for new identities that reflect changes in people's cultural patterns of life. In education, it has a significant impact on curriculum, teaching methods, and educational goals. Modern education tends to emphasize technical abilities and global understanding, while moral and character aspects are often neglected. This can lead to a generation that may have extensive knowledge, but is far from having akhlakulkarimah character because it is far from the values of Islamic education. This article contributes to the understanding of political, social and cultural aspects in Islamic education. Thus, it is hoped that this article can be an inspiration for educators, researchers and policy makers in developing Islamic education that is rahmatan lil'alamin, relevant and meaningful to human civilization.




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