Islamic Education, Islamic Science, ReconstructionAbstract
This article discusses Islamic education towards the reconstruction of Islamic science, using a literature review method with descriptive analysis. The issues raised include two main questions: The Concept of Education in Islam and the Reconstruction of Science in Islam. The literature review identifies four interrelated fundamental points in this context. First, Islamic education aims to form a holistic Muslim individual by developing physical and spiritual potential and fostering harmonious relationships with Allah SWT, humanity, and nature. This is based on the concept of a complete human being in Islam. Second, from its inception, Islamic education has focused on a philosophical perspective, viewing humans as creatures of God with inherent religious-Islamic potential. This potential is developed vertically (relationship with God) and horizontally (relationship with others and nature) to achieve both physical and spiritual happiness. Third, awareness of the importance of education drives self-development, with the understanding that the duty of a servant of Allah SWT is to be a responsible khalifah (steward) in managing and preserving nature. This is realized by avoiding egoism and fostering egalitarian traits in utilizing and conserving natural resources. Fourth, the reconstruction of Islamic science requires a strong belief in Allah, the revelation of tasyri’ secrets, the proof of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, the fulfillment of worship responsibilities, and the Qur'anic approach to science and the universe, in order to integrate scientific knowledge with Islamic values.
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