AL-AQWAM: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran dan Tafsir <p><strong>AL-AQWAM: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran dan Tafsir</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the scholarly study of the Qur’an from many different perspectives. Particular attention is paid to the works dealing with:</p> <p>1. Qur’anic Studies,</p> <p>2. Qur’anic Sciences,</p> <p>3. Living Qur'an,</p> <p>4. Qur’anic Studies Across Different Areas in The World (The Middle East, The West, Archipelago, and Other Areas),</p> <p>5. Methodology of Qur’an and Tafsir Studies,</p> <p>6. Manuscript Study,</p> <p>7. Hermeneutics Study.</p> <p>Publishes twice in the year (<strong>January and July</strong>) by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>The Qur’anic and Tafsir Studies Programme at Ushuluddin Faculty IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo</strong></a>.</p> Program Studi Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir en-US AL-AQWAM: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran dan Tafsir 2985-4733 Kemuliaan Wanita Dibalik Narasi Superioritas Maskulin Dalam Al-Qur’an <p>This study aims to critically describe the glory of women behind the narrative of masculine superiority in the Qur’an. The material object of this research is the result of ‘Abbas Mahmud al-‘Aqqad’s interpretation in the book <em>al-Mar’ah fi al-Qur’an</em>. Broadly speaking, the book outlines the solution to the problems faced by women in the laws contained in the Qur’an. This type of research is library <em>research</em>. Using qualitative methods, the author collects data from various literature. Data sources include two types, namely primary sources and secondary sources. The primary source of data is the book <em>al-Mar’ah fi al-Qur’an</em> by ‘Abbas Mahmud al-‘Aqqad. Secondary data sources, namely various kinds of literature from books and journals related to the object of discussion. The results of the study show that by using the interpretation model of <em>the </em><em>maudhu’i</em> (thematic) method, al-‘Aqqad explains the problem of the superiority of men over women based on three interrelated verses. Namely: QS al-Baqarah/2: 228, QS al-Nisa’/4: 32, and QS al-Nisa’/4: 34. He then analyzed the verse by facing it with the reality that occurred in the midst of society as evidence of the concept he carried out in order to create the benefit of mankind. For al-‘Aqqad, the narrative of the verses of the Qur’an that hint at the superiority of men over women contains the wisdom that it is a gesture to glorify the woman herself.</p> Basri Mariaty Podungge Misbahuddin Asaad Copyright (c) 2024 Basri, Mariaty Podungge, Misbahuddin Asaad 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 80 96 10.58194/alaqwam.v3i2.1797 Makna "Wasath" Dalam Al-Qur'an Menurut Ibnu 'Asyur <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This study explains how Ibnu Asyur came to interpret the “wasath” verses in Al-Tahrir wa Al-Tanwir. It also uses the method of deductive reasoning to explain to establishe the fiqh with a recognized fiqh book (Maqashid As-Syari’ah). Tunisia emerged as a modern nation with Islamic democratic principles of tolerance, solidarity, and society benevolence. This study applies thematic analysis by correlating this passage with the research question. The conclusion from this research is that scholars should exercise moderation in formulating and putting into practice the moderate interpretation and application of the traditional understanding of Islam, which is <em>wasathiyyah</em>. Scholars Ibnu ‘Asyur also explained that the ijma's concept that scholars applied in the field of fiqh was done so in order to, they clarified that the term "wasath" refers to the degree to which Islam permits deviation from the traditional understanding of Islam.</p> Muhammad Ma'sum Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ma'sum 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 97 111 10.58194/alaqwam.v3i2.1628 Perceraian dan Solusinya Perspektif Aallamah Kamal Faqih Imani dalam Tafsir Nurul Qur'an <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The family is the smallest part of society that begins with marriage between a man and a woman. The marriage bond that begins the formation of a family is a sacred bond that is strong in spiritual and social dimensions. This sacred bond is often broken due to problems and pressures within the family. The breaking of this marriage bond is known as divorce. Many things can then lead to this divorce, such as quarrels and disputes, economic factors, domestic violence, infidelity and so on. In Islam itself, divorce is something that is allowed, but it is hated by Allah SWT. In addition, this divorce also has many impacts, both on husbands, wives, each other's families, especially children in the family. Seeing the divorce rate in Indonesia and its impact on many parties, especially children, this divorce can be seen as a problem that needs to be found a solution. In order to find a solution to this divorce problem, the author raises the title Divorce and Its Solution in the Perspective of Allamah Kamal Faqih Imani in Tafsir Nurul Qur'an. The purpose of this study is to find out how Faqih Imani's view in tafsir Nurul Qur'an related to divorce and the solution to this problem. This research uses thematic character and descriptive-analytical methods and uses qualitative research. After conducting research, the author found that in Faqih Imani's view as stated in Tafsir Nurul Qur'an, divorce is a separation between husband and wife caused by two factors including emotional impulses and lust. Meanwhile, the concept of the idah period is a solution so that divorce does not occur, because according to Faqih Imani in Tafsir Nurul Qur'an, wives who are still in their idah period are not allowed to leave their husband's house, with the idah period it is possible that they get the opportunity to evaluate problems or conflicts, misunderstandings, and events that may have triggered problems between the two. So that this idah period becomes a solution or a deterrent to the continuation of the divorce process so that this sacred marriage bond is maintained.</p> Rusiana Putri Rusiana Ahmad Jubaeli Copyright (c) 2024 Rusiana Putri Rusiana, Ahmad Jubaeli 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 112 146 10.58194/alaqwam.v3i2.1754 Karakteristik Penghuni Neraka <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This research discusses the characteristics of the inhabitants of hell in QS al-A'raf/7: 179. This verse explains the characteristics or nature of the inhabitants of hell. This research aims to find out the nature of the characteristics of the inhabitants of hell, and what the characteristics are like. the inhabitants of hell, as well as the impact of the characteristics of the inhabitants in QS al-A'raf/7: 179. The research carried out was library research, the approaches used were an interpretive approach and a theological approach. The results of this research are First, the essence of the characteristics of the inhabitants of hell is, that they have hearts but they are not used to understand the verses of the Qur'an, they have eyes but they do not use them to see the power of Allah SWT., they have ears but they do not use them. to listen to the verses of Allah SWT. Second, related to the characteristics of the inhabitants of hell, they are said in the verse to be livestock, even lower than livestock because they do not utilize the five senses that have been given to them. Third, the impact of the characteristics of the inhabitants of hell is that they are said to be livestock, even more misguided than that, and they are negligent about what has been given to them.</p> Ahmad Syarif Syarif Abdul Ghany Hasyim Haddade Muhammad Khadary Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Syarif Syarif, Abdul Ghany, Hasyim Haddade 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 147 171 10.58194/alaqwam.v3i2.1682 Analisa Pemilihan Bacaan Imam dalam Salat di Masjid Muhammadiyah Kota Palopo <p>Abstract: This research discusses the Analysis of Imam's Recitation Selection in Prayer at Muhammadiyah Mosque in Palopo City. This research aims to: 1) Identify the recitations commonly chosen by imams in prayer in Muhammadiyah-assisted mosques, 2) Analyzing the factors that influence the selection of prayer readings, 3) Investigating the diversity in the selection of imam readings in prayer in Muhammadiyah mosques in Palopo City. The type of research used in this study is qualitative research with case study method. From the results of the research on the Analysis of the Selection of Imam's Recitation in Prayer in Muhammadiyah Mosques in Palopo City, it shows that: 1. The imams of al-Khaeriyyah, al-Awwabin, and Nurul Ilmi mosques read short surahs at maghrib time, such as surahs, al-Nas, al-Falaq, al-Ikhlas, al-Kafirun, al-Nasr, al-Kautsar, al-Fil, Qurasy, al-'Asr, and al-Ma'un. While at Isha time the Imams read the medium surahs such as al-'Alaq, al-Zalzalah, al-Bayyinah, al-Duha', al-Qari'ah, al-Baqarah. While at Fajr the Imams read medium and long surahs such as, al-Ghasyiah, al- A'la, al-Bayyinah, al-Zalzalah, al-Adiyat, al-Nazi'at, al-Naba', al-Mulk, Yasin, al-Isra and al-Baqarah. 2. The factors that influence the reading are due to following the sunnah, meaning and content and looking at aspects of the condition of the congregation, 3. The imams of the Muhammadiyah-assisted mosque have readings that are not uniform.</p> Teguh Arafah Julianto Rukman Abdul Rahman Said Zuhri Abu Nawas Baso Fadhil Anugrah Copyright (c) 2024 Teguh Arafah Julianto, Rukman Abdul Rahman Said, Zuhri Abu Nawas, Baso Fadhil Anugrah 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 2 172 186 10.58194/alaqwam.v3i2.1827