Analisis Penyandingan Lafaz Samī’ dan Baṣīr Dalam Al-Qur’an


  • Nazilatur Rohmah Rohmah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Devi Kusumawati Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Zakir bin Husain Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam



Pairing Analysis, Sami‘, Basir , Al-Qur’an


This research concerns the pairing words sami‘ and basir  in the Qur’an, the two words are often used side by side, there is a recurrence of 10 times in the Qur’an. The words of sami‘ and basir survived from the Arabic that followed sighot mubalagoh that supported the meaning of intesitas or more emphasis. In the context of asma’ al-husna, sami‘ and basir  describes god’s hearing and vision as perfect, infinite, and of no other tool as human. The purpose of research is to understand how both qualities play a role in life and apply them in religious practice and social interaction. The article was written using a descriptive method of labely-analysis of the words sami‘ and basir writing materials adjacent to the literature based. As for the results of this study analyzing the context and meaning behind the use of words sami‘ and basir, which not only demonstrates the justice and oversight of god, but also serves asa reminder to men to act and speak carefully. Additionally, the study also drew lessons from the two words.




How to Cite

Rohmah, N. R., Devi Kusumawati, & Muhammad Zakir bin Husain. (2025). Analisis Penyandingan Lafaz Samī’ dan Baṣīr Dalam Al-Qur’an. AL-AQWAM: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Dan Tafsir, 4(1), 22–41.