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Sri Ningsih Ratnasari Podomi
Kasim Yahiji


This paper was made with several existing sources to find out what evaluation, management, and curriculum are. Curriculum management is a curriculum management system that is cooperative, comprehensive, systemic and systematic to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives. Evaluation or assessment is carried out in stages, continuously, and is open. The independent learning curriculum is a curriculum that gives the spirit of freedom of thought to teachers and students, both of which are used as implementers of the independent learning curriculum. Curriculum management is a system that is closely related to each other and supporting components. Methods, objectives, learning materials, and evaluation form the components of the curriculum. All curriculum subsystems will work together to achieve common educational goals under this model. The curriculum system will function less effectively and optimally if one of the curriculum variables does not function properly. The results of curriculum evaluation can be used by education policyholders, planners, and curriculum developers in selecting and establishing policies for developing the education system and the curriculum model used.

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